Pedagogical model for the integration of ICTs into teaching practices in official educational institutions in rural Monteria


  • Franklin Jose Doria Madariaga Universidad de Cartagena Author



Pedagogical model, ICT, educational institutions


The general purpose of the research is to configure a pedagogical model for the integration of ICT to the teaching practices of official educational institutions in the rural area of Monteria. The epistemic structuralism model and the structural analysis method were assumed, with a type of ethnographic research and a field design, to collect information the semi-structured interview, the focus group and the documentary analysis were applied. The key participants were 50 teachers working in other educational institutions of the official sector. The results of this research have revealed that the technological infrastructure in these areas is still limited, which represents a significant challenge for the successful implementation of ICT. This suggests the need for investments in improving connectivity and the availability of technological devices in these institutions


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How to Cite

Doria Madariaga FJ. Pedagogical model for the integration of ICTs into teaching practices in official educational institutions in rural Monteria. Multidisciplinar (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:105. Available from: