Risk factors for high blood pressure in older adults of the Provincial Directorate of the MIES of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas


  • Ruth Calderón Landívar Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Arelys Lizbeth Cobeña Moreano Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Verónica Mercedes Revilla Del Valle Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author




High Blood Pressure, Older Adult, Risk Factors


Introduction: arterial hypertension is a disorder in which blood vessels have blood pressure above the limits above which cardiovascular risk increases, changes related to aging favor the increase in blood pressure.
Objective: to identify the risk factors for arterial hypertension in older adults of the Provincial Directorate of MIES of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
Method: a quantitative, observational, descriptive and prospective study was carried out on the risk factors for arterial hypertension in older adults of the Provincial Directorate of the MIES of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas during the year 2022. The population consisted of 90 older adults from whom a sample of 60 cases was selected
Results: 43.3 % of the participants are single, among the singles 25 % have a primary education level, 56.6 % are female, of which 30 % are within the age range of 71 to 80 years, 77 % of the sample studied did not present a family history of the disease, 93 % of the respondents do physical activity, 88 % of them report that they consume low-salt foods, 21.7 % are between the weight range of 63-75 kg, 53 % of the respondents are overweight, 95 % of respondents reported not smoking cigarettes, 93 % indicated not drinking alcohol at all.
Conclusions: It can be seen that there is a predominance of females and older adults between 70 and 80 years of age, family history, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, inadequate diets, stress, as well as toxic habits such as alcohol and cigarette consumption are shown as important risk factors in the suffering of the disease.


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How to Cite

Calderón Landívar R, Cobeña Moreano AL, Revilla Del Valle VM, Chávez-Arizala JF. Risk factors for high blood pressure in older adults of the Provincial Directorate of the MIES of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Multidisciplinar (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];3:62. Available from: https://multidisciplinar.ageditor.uy/index.php/multidisciplinar/article/view/62